When I go to a concert, the first thing I look for in a band is energy. I can honestly say that I've never seen an all female group with more energy than Katy Guillen and The Girls. Through every song, it was quite clear that Katy and the girls came to ROCK! The 2014 International Blues Challenge Finalists played a mind blowing show with The Ori Naftaly band, Peter Karp & Sue Foley, and Omaha's youth blues band Voodoo Vinyl. Touring to promote their new 3-track EP, these ladies put on a show that's great to hear, and a blast to watch! From the moment these lovely ladies took the stage, the joint was jumpin'! So, if you haven't heard Katy Guillen and The Girls yet.... Click the links below and check them out!!!
Katy Guillen and the girls ONLINE!
Official Website: http://kgandthegirls.com/?page=home
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kgandthegirls
Official Bandcamp Page: http://kgandthegirls.bandcamp.com/
Official Youtube Page: http://www.youtube.com/user/katyguillenmusic
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kgandthegirls
Official Bandcamp Page: http://kgandthegirls.bandcamp.com/
Official Youtube Page: http://www.youtube.com/user/katyguillenmusic